Flowers and Hands inspired by Picasso


Look at the picture, Fleurs et mains (Flowers and Hands); After the crayon drawing, by Pablo Picasso.  Ask students what they see.  What shapes do they see?  What colors?

Day 1: Have students use paint dotters to make center of flowers in the top half of the page.  Use different colors of paint to add petals. 

Day 2: Read the story,  The Color of Us. Discuss how we all have different skin tones and  are unique. Show them the different colors of paint they can choose from for their hand.  Paint each child's hand and have them stamp it on bottom half of paper.  Use green oil pastels to draw stems. 

*This project was done as a teacher center with Kindergarten (group of 8-10).  Other students worked with Play-doh and construction materials and then rotated through to this center. 

Explore the basic uses of art materials to produce artwork.
Work with materials and tools safely with environmental awareness.
Explore the elements of art through playful sensory experiences.


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Lesson plan — by Kristyn DeMint (November 10 2017 @ 3:41 pm)

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November 10, 2017 3:43 p.m.


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