3 UMMA Objects
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Dark colored mask with an ovoid shaped head. The face has incised parallel striations, round white eyes with open crescents below, round ears, a small nose and a small mouth. The coiffure is composed of parallel ridges circumventing the entire head. There are two holes around the bottom edge of the mask, one in the front and one in the back. 
Igala (Igala)
Helmet Mask
1900 – 1960
Museum purchase made possible by the W. Hawkins Ferry Fund, James and Vivian Curtis, and David L. Chambers and John G. Crane

Spirit Mask
20th century
Gift of Mr. Stephen M. Taylor
Concave, ovoid maskette with kaolin covering surface of surface of face. Minimal rendering of facial features: raised, tapered wood strip for nose; narrow, oviod, horizontal eyes; open, ovoid mouth with some striation around interior edge.
Lega (Lega)
Bwami Society Maskette
1900 – 1975
Gift of the Friends of the Museum of Art in memory of Diana B. Fox