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4 UMMA Objects
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View of a mountain gorge with a fenced-in tunnel path carved through it.
Adolphe Braun (French (culture or style))
Passage de la Tête Noire
1858 – 1877
Gift of Frederick P. and Amy McCombs Currier
A dark passageway through a building reveals a distant view of figures on both sides of a canal. In the foreground, the building is sketched in to show a vine growing up and over the passageway at the left, and an arched window at the right side; above the passage on the second floor two figures are seen silhouetted in an open window.
James Abbott McNeill Whistler (American (North American))
Doorway and Vine, One of the 'Twenty-six Etchings,' or the 'Second Venice Set'
1879 – 1880
Bequest of Margaret Watson Parker
A large, two-story arched passageway leads from the foreground to a distant street. Viewed from the water of the canal that runs across the bottom of the print, the composition concentrates on the dark barrel vault of the passage, the boats that occupy the foreground between the water and the walls of the building, and windows and balconies that animate the wall on either side of the archway.
James Abbott McNeill Whistler (American (North American))
San Biagio, One of the 'Twenty-six Etchings' or the 'Second Venice Set'
Bequest of Margaret Watson Parker
View of a passageway in Paris.
Eugène Atget (French (culture or style))
Rue St. Rustique, Monmartre
1922 – 1974
Museum Purchase