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9 UMMA Objects
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Sir Francis Seymour Haden
Amsterdam (A Fragment) ('A Fragment' is underlined)
Gift of Carl Fredric Clarke
This drawing depicts part of a large, Gothic-style church with lancet windows and buttresses, seen at night. Around the exterior of the building are two trees, a lamppost, four bollards, and a person seen in silhouette. A light source outside the image illuminates part of the church’s large arched window, and casts long shadows that fall to the left side of the composition. <br />
Inscribed on the recto, in pencil, in the image, “M. Bone / Amsterdam”
Sir Muirhead Bone (British (modern))
1876 – 1953
Gift of Dr. Dean G. Hyde, class of '86

Photograph Album
19th century
Gift of Margaret and Howard Bond

Sir Francis Seymour Haden
Gift of Carl Fredric Clarke
Several ships are seen at the near right side. In the distance is a city with many tall masted ships along the edge of the water; above are the lines of blustery clouds.
James Abbott McNeill Whistler (American (North American))
Amsterdam, from the Tolhuis
Bequest of Margaret Watson Parker

T. Frantisek Simon
Amsterdam (?)
1877 – 1940
Gift of Prof. and Mrs. Alfred H. White
A two-story building fronting onto a canal is shown in this print. Three figures are gathered on the second floor balcony while a seated woman and standing man are visible at the water door below the balcony. At the top of the image hanging cloth (possibly laundry) creates a kind of canopy over the figures on the balcony. Adjacent buildings are only summarily drawn and the emphasis of this image is on the dramatic juxtapositions of the projecting elements, e.g. balcony, laundry, with the shadows cast on other parts of the building and figures and in the reflections in the dark surface of the water.
James Abbott McNeill Whistler (American (North American))
Balcony, Amsterdam
Bequest of Margaret Watson Parker
Seen frontally is a building along a canal. In front of the facade is a brick or cobble pavement; steps lead up to a triple doorway entrance while laundry and windows complete the second story. To either side of the central steps are doorways that lead down. In each of the doorways and on the pavement are grouped figures of women and children. The lower portion of the print shows the reflections of the building and figures.
James Abbott McNeill Whistler (American (North American))
Steps, Amsterdam
Bequest of Margaret Watson Parker

James Abbott McNeill Whistler (American (North American))
The Embroidered Curtain
Bequest of Margaret Watson Parker