11 UMMA Objects
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Hilo Chen
Roof-top Sunbather, from 'City-Scapes Portfolio'
1942 – 1991
Gift of Eugene Schuster
Polychrome woodblock print of a rooster holding a praying mantis in its mouth with four characters at top center framed by a floral scrolling border
Chinese (Chinese (culture or style))
The Rooster Protects the House from Suzhou
20th century
Gift of Ellen and Richard Laing
This portrait of a man shows him sitting on a set of steps, hands clasped between his knees. He wears a checkered shirt and long trousers.<br /><br />
EWP, 7/26/16: removed proper name, more appropriately included in Subject Matter
Lucien Clergue (French (culture or style))
Pablo Picasso
Gift of Jeffrey and Elena Sobel
This portrait of a man shows him sitting on a set of steps, hands clasped between his knees. He wears a checkered shirt and long trousers.<br /><br />
EWP, 7/26/16: removed proper name, more appropriately addressed in SM
Lucien Clergue (French (culture or style))
Pablo Picasso
Gift of Selma and Gerald Lotenberg

Longevity Spirit Money, from Taiwan (2 prints)
20th century
Gift of Ellen and Richard Laing
A photograph of a man wearing artificial eyes, standing in front of a wall. Beyond the wall, a sphinx figure can be seen in front of a mountain range.
Lucien Clergue (French (culture or style))
Jean Cocteau and Sphinx
Gift of Jeffrey and Elena Sobel
This portrait shows a young boy in a harlequin costume, looking into the camera lens. He stands in the ruins of Arles, arms akimbo, balancing on the ruins of the foundation of a building. 
Lucien Clergue (French (culture or style))
Gift of Jeffrey and Elena Sobel
This portrait of a young boy in a harlequin costume shows him looking into the camera lens. He stands in the ruins of Arles, arms akimbo, balancing on the ruins of the foundation of a building. 
Lucien Clergue (French (culture or style))
Gift of Selma and Gerald Lotenberg
A photograph of a man wearing artificial eyes, standing in front of a wall. Beyond the wall, a sphinx figure can be seen in front of a mountain range.
Lucien Clergue (French (culture or style))
Jean Cocteau and Sphinx
Gift of Selma and Gerald Lotenberg
Two male figures wearing official robes and hats, sit side by side on thrones. The one on the right holds a shoe-shaped ingot and a scepter. The god on the left holds only a shoe-shaped ingot. In front of them is basin filled with coins and rarities such as jewels, branches of coral and shining ingots. On the right, a smaller male figure holds a horse on a tray while his counter part on the left holds a brush and a scroll. At the top is a sinuous dragon whose spine is composed of coins and above him is a horse bearing a stack of shoe-shaped ingots.
Chinese (Chinese (culture or style))
Everything You Wish in the Nine Heavens: Gods of Wealth Increase Good Fortune
20th century
Gift of Ellen and Richard Laing
Block print with red ink and white space. There is a floral border and in the center of it is one large Chinese character and other smaller characters around it. Two coins are on each side of the large center Chinese character.&nbsp;
Longevity Spirit Money, from Taiwan (2 prints)
20th century
Gift of Ellen and Richard Laing