7 UMMA Objects
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A light grey and grey-green rectangular block with a carving of a lion-dog on top and white writing on one the sides; on the bottoms of the block is a seal with dried red pigment residue. The block is accompanied by a custom navy case with pink inner lining.
Chinese (Chinese (culture or style))
Gray and Cream Soapstone Seal with Mythical Beast Finial
Gift of Jiu-Fong Lo Chang and Kuei-sheng Chang

Yaka (Yaka (Kwango-Kwilu region style))
Figure with skirt
Gift of Jack Faxon
This multi-bladed knife has three blades. The longest blade is hook-shaped with another blade forming the opposite, straight end of the hook. Protruding from the center of these two blades is a short, triangular blade. Each blade is decorated with fine incisions running along its center. There are six small triangles carved into the knife: two where the handle and the blades meet and four at the center of the hooked blade. The middle of the handle has a protruding metal element that is circular with a single, slightly pointed side. The bottom of the handle is wrapped with woven thread. 
Ngbaka (Ngbaka)
Throwing knife
20th century
Gift of Susan B. and John F. Ullrich

Jacob-Desmalter and Company
Firescreen for Chateau de Tuilleries
1799 – 1809
Anonymous Gift

Japanese (Japanese (culture or style))
Child's Clogs
1900 – 1950
Bequest of Margaret Watson Parker

Japanese (Japanese (culture or style))
Three Sets of Clogs
Bequest of Margaret Watson Parker
A light grey and grey-green rectangular block with a carving of a lion-dog on top and white writing on one the sides; on the bottoms of the block is a seal with dried red pigment residue. The block is accompanied by a custom navy case with pink inner lining.
Chinese (Chinese (culture or style))
Gray and Cream Soapstone Seal with Mythical Beast Finial
Gift of Jiu-Fong Lo Chang and Kuei-sheng Chang