1 UMMA Object
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This is a whitel porcelain bowl with a flaring rim. The high iron content of clay and glaze used in white porcelain in the 17th century following the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592 (Imjim Warran) resulted in dark color of body, as it appears in this bowl. The foot features traces of coarse sand supports, while there are four sand spur marks on the inner bottom, suggesting that the bowl was stacked among other bowls during firing. Glaze running had formed on the outer surface in some parts and oxidized glaze tinged the overall surface with light yellow.<br />
[Korean Collection, University of Michigan Museum of Art (2014) p.162]
Korean (Korean (culture or style))
Buncheong Ware Drinking Bowl
17th century
Gift of Bruce and Inta Hasenkamp and Museum purchase made possible by Elder and Mrs. Sang-Yong Nam