1 UMMA Object
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Shallow stoneware bowl with white slip and colorless glaze. The interior is decorated with a stamped rope-curtain pattern, incised bands of lines and a repeating stylized lotus petal pattern. In the center of the bowl lie three inlaid chrysanthemum florets. Three scars on the inside of the bowl indicate the piece was fired in a stack for large-scale production.<br />
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This dish is decorated with stamped design of rows of dots on the inner wall; white inlaid with chrysanthemums on the inner bottom; and in between them are stamped lotus petals. Its outer wall is brushed with white slip. The foot retains evenly spread traces of fine grains of sand. The glaze is well fused, producing a shiny surface, pale blue in colour and transparent. The form of the dish is relatively well-balanced and gives a sense of stability.<br />
[Korean Collection, University of Michigan Museum of Art (2014) p.149]
Korean (Korean (culture or style))
Shallow Buncheong ware bowl with rope curtain and chrysanthemum design
15th century
Gift of Bruce and Inta Hasenkamp and Museum purchase made possible by Elder and Mrs. Sang-Yong Nam