2 UMMA Objects
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White with small round cap.
Artist Unknown;John A. Foster
1930 – 1940
Gift of John A. Foster
Produced at regional kiln in the 17th and 8th centuries Joseon, this white porcelain bottle is stable and balanced in form. It was made from iron-rich clay which tinged the bottle with gray-white, a common characteristic of 17th century white porcelain. The glaze on the upper part is transparent and shiny, but that on the lower part was not fully melted, producing a rough texture. The foot exposes the clay body as the glaze was wiped away from the bottom of the foot.<br />
[Korean Collection, University of Michigan Museum of Art (2014) p.176]
Korean (Korean (culture or style))
Pear-Shaped Bottle
1600 – 1799
Gift of Bruce and Inta Hasenkamp and Museum purchase made possible by Elder and Mrs. Sang-Yong Nam