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Text: Courage, Comrades, I'm Coming - Hold Allies!! Stand England! Stand France! Stand Italy! Hold the lines against the Hun a few months longer - Our boys are coming - a million men are on the way & millions more to follow - Behind them stands America - that means you & me! - 100,000,000 strong - American Says: Down With Autocracy! - Up With Democracy! - I'll Save. I'll Sacrifice. I'll Serve. I'll Endure. - To the End that the World = "under God shall have a new birth of freedom and that the government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth" - Issued by Connecticut State Council of Denfense
Lucien Hector Jonas
Courage, Comrades, I'm Coming
1912 – 1922
Gift of Mr. Maurice F. Lyons