18 UMMA Objects
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George Cruikshank
Bound set of 24 plates taken from Bentley's Miscellany
1837 – 1838
Gift of Mrs. George F. Green.

George Cruikshank
Profile Head of a Woman
1782 – 1878
Gift of George Foreman Green

George Cruikshank
Three Men at a Table
19th century
Gift of George Foreman Green

George Cruikshank
Thinks I to Myself, Thinks I
1845 – 1855
Gift of George Foreman Green

George Cruikshank
Profile Bust of a Man
1782 – 1878
Gift of George Foreman Green

George Cruikshank
Sketch of a Man Resembling the Legendary Soldier of Fortune
1782 – 1878
Gift of George Foreman Green

George Cruikshank
Bound volume of 76 prints by and after George Cruikshank (Frank Farleigh - proof
1782 – 1878
Gift of Mrs. George F. Green.

George Cruikshank
Copy of a Print by Gilray
1782 – 1878
Gift of George Foreman Green

George Cruikshank
Boy Sweeping
1782 – 1878
Gift of George Foreman Green
A study sketch of the heads of men along the top right side and a pair - a man and the devil - smoking in the bottom left corner.  The men on the right are all helmeted in different syles of helmet with pointed faces.  The man in the bottom corner is dressed in 17th century dress and reclining with legs outward while smoking.  The devil figure is hard to discern, but appears to be a standing gargoyle-like figure in the distance.  Clouds of smoke surround them.
George Cruikshank
Studies of Nine Male Helmeted Heads and a Man Smoking with a Devil
1825 – 1878
Joseph F. McCrindle Collection

George Cruikshank
Sheet of Sketches: Heads of Two Men, Horses and Riders, Ship in the Background
1782 – 1878
Gift of George Foreman Green

George Cruikshank
Thinks I to Myself, Thinks I
1845 – 1855
Gift of George Foreman Green