150 UMMA Objects
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The work is a color photograph of three models framed by mauve curtains. The models form a pyramidal shape, with one model crouching in the foreground, two standing behind her leaning inward. At the top of the composition a small pink rose is pinned to the wall.
Guy Bourdin (French (culture or style))
Anonymous Gift: New York

French (French (culture or style))
Silk Embroidery, One of 5 fragments of a waistcoat
1700 – 1770
The Paul Leroy Grigaut Memorial Collection

French (French (culture or style))
Silk Embroidery, One of 5 fragments of a waistcoat
1700 – 1770
The Paul Leroy Grigaut Memorial Collection
A photograph of a woman dancing. She lifts her arms up toward the right of the frame, her legs creating a diagonal across the bottom of the frame. 
Barbara Morgan (American (North American))
Martha Graham—Lamentation
Gift of the Willard and Barbara Morgan Archives
A photograph of a woman dancing. She wears a dress with flowing fabric, creating a sense of motion as she performs a jump.
Barbara Morgan (American (North American))
Martha Graham—Letter to the World
Gift of the Willard and Barbara Morgan Archives
The image depicts thirteen men, arranged in three groups and facing in various directions, all standing in a generic outdoor setting. They wear seventeenth century-style costume consisting predominantly of black coats and trousers with white square collars. Several wear black hats, and one waves his hat in the air. The majority either carry or lean on swords. 
Édouard Manet (French (culture or style))
Les Petit Cavaliers, after Vélazquez
1860 – 1861
Gift of the Friends of the Museum of Art in memory of James Vann
A full-body costume and mask depicting a human figure.
Kuba (Kuba (Democratic Republic of Congo style))
Mask and costume (bwoom)
1955 – 1965
Gift of Marc Leo Felix, Brussels
This fibula, a type of brooch used to pin outer garments, features a crossbar that ends in three onion-shaped terminals, which give the fibula a shape reminiscent of a crossbow. An arched bow connects the crossbar to the longer catchplate, which is ornamented with vegetal motifs.
Gallo-Roman (Gallo-Roman)
Crossbow fibula with vegetal ornament on the catchplate
450 – 500
Gift of Mr. Robert H. Tannahill

Yang Jin (Yang Chin)
Landscape with a Seated Monk
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. C.D. Carter
A woman in motion walking towards the left. She is wearing a very full skirt that is flowing behind her. Her right arm is raised up while the left arm is on her thigh holding her dress. She is wearing an elaborate hat.
Dudley Hardy
Sketch of a Woman
1905 – 1915
Gift of Professor Walter M. and Nesta R. Spink
recto: studies for a group of figures (religious or allegorical) and two studies of standing women, one with child<br /><br />
verso: two sets of couples in caricature in contemporary dress<br /><br />
First side: Various people, one holding her hands below her waist, one speaking to a little boy, a group clustered together.<br />
Second side: two fashionably dressed couples (man and woman) walking.
French (French (culture or style))
Sheet of Sketches and Caricatures
Gift of Professor Walter M. and Nesta R. Spink
Portrait of the actress Greta Garbo. 
Edward Steichen (American (North American))
Greta Garbo
Museum Purchase