2 UMMA Objects
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A photograph of a man gesturing in front of a crowd that sits in chairs around low tables in an interior space.
Henri Cartier-Bresson (French (culture or style))
Composer Gian Carlo Menotti in Restaurant during Festival Dei Du Mondi, Spoleto, Italy
Gift of Thomas Wilson '79 and Jill Garling '80
This photolithographic print in pink, red, orange and yellow is made of four main parts. A series of patterns from stripes at the top to small to tiny polka dots at the bottom make up the background. The stripes are in all the colors of the print, where the dots are only in orange and red. At the top left, there are a series of fragments of geometric scenes. In the bottom left, in orange, red and yellow, there is a bird, likely a parakeet. Then to the right at the bottom, there are two photographs of white men. On the right, there is a photograph of an older man with one pair of prescription glasses on and a pair of sunglasses resting on his forehead with the text below that reads: "<em>Stravinsky: Restoration and adaptation</em> / librettos ('Moses und Aron,' 'Die Glückliche Hand,' 'Die Jacobsleiter,' 'Les Noces,' 'Renard'). / 9. Each of us worked with concreteness of sound, unlike the last Webern where choice of sound seems to be a final stage." On the left, there is a man in three-quarter view with sholder
Sir Eduardo Paolozzi (British (modern))
Cary Grant as a male war bride
1965 – 1970
Gift of Professor Diane M. Kirkpatrick