5 UMMA Objects
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Fratelli Alinari
Monument to Dante Alighieri, Santa Croce, Florence (Firenze - Chiesa di S. Croce)
1854 – 1920
Gift of Howard and Margaret Bond

Laurent de La Hyre
A Scene from 'La Gerusalemme Liberata:' Tancred Mourns Clorinda
Purchased from the Estate of Edward Sonnenschein
This photograph depicts a tomb in a chapel with ornate decorations. In the center of the images is a tomb and, to its right, an effigy.
Francis Bedford (British (modern))
Tombs in the Beauchamp Chapel, Warwick
1850 – 1894
Gift of W. Howard and Margaret Bond
This inlaid bronze casket with Kufic inscription was masterfully produced in the 12th century Seljuk period. Possibly of Syrian origin, the lid is hammered from a flat sheet of brass with the bottom formed by folding and joining a section cut from a flat sheet. The seams are on three sides of the base and in the rear under the right-hand hinge. Brass hinges on the object are attached by copper rivets. Originally, the object would have a handle and front clasp which are now missing. <br /><br />
Iranian (Iranian)
Casket with inscription in floriated Kufic script
12th century
Museum Purchase
This print shows a mountainous landscape scene with a funeral procession in the foreground. In the midground is a row of trees, in front of which is a small cemetery marked by a collection of crosses. The funeral procession includes a person riding a four legged animal and holding an umbrella, a figure carrying a cross, another a shovel, two carrying a coffin, and one person carrying flowers.
Jenny Dalenoord
Memento; The Procession
Museum Purchase