8 UMMA Objects
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This print shows a seated audience at a theater. The three most visible figures wear kimono, the obi tied in the back, and kneel overlooking a balcony above the stage. The figures in the foreground are more clearly defined, the outlines of the figures in the background blend into one another to create a dark undefined area.
Oda Kazuma
Theater Going (Kangeki)
Gift of the artist, through Mr. and Mrs. Yoshito Yamamoto
In this image, several men and a woman sit on the floor, eating in a relaxed and animated manner.  Behind them, at the top left, two older men sit on a raised platform, engaged in something serious.  Clothes can be seen folded in containers and the back of the print.  Another room is visible at the bottom right.<br /><br />
This is the center panel of a tryptich (with 1969/2.143 and 1969/2.145)<br /><br />
Inscriptions: Nishimuraya Yohachi (Publisher's seal); Kunisada ga (Artist's signature)<br />
Utagawa Kunisada (Japanese (culture or style))
Backstage Celebrations of a Full-house Hit at the Nakamura Theater
1805 – 1815
Museum purchase for the Paul Leroy Grigaut Memorial Collection
This image shows several men and women busily moving about. At the right, three men are seated on the floor, watching the commotion. A shrine is partly visible behind them. Furniture, clothes piles, and cast-off sandals add to the business of the scene. Small blocks of text identify each of the individuals.<br /><br />
This is the right panel of a triptych (with 1969/2.147 and 1969/2.148).<br /><br />
Inscriptions: Nishimuraya Yohachi (Publisher's seal); Kunisada ga (Artist's signature)
Utagawa Kunisada (Japanese (culture or style))
Backstage Celebrations of a Full-house Hit at the Ichimura Theater
Museum purchase for the Paul Leroy Grigaut Memorial Collection
This print shows the inside of a building where several figures move around busily.  Three are seated and appear to be eating at the corner of a red mat that extends off the right side of the print.  Small blocks of text hover near and identify each of the individuals.  <br /><br />
This is the left panel of a tryptich (with 1969/2.143 and 1969/2.144).<br /><br />
Inscriptions: Nishimuraya Yohachi (Publisher's seal); Kunisada ga (Artist's signature); Kiwame, Tsuruya Kinsuke (Censors' seals)<br />
Utagawa Kunisada (Japanese (culture or style))
Backstage Celebrations of a Full-house Hit at the Nakamura Theater
1811 – 1814
Museum purchase for the Paul Leroy Grigaut Memorial Collection
Several men sit on a red mat in the center of the image, surrounded by movement. While they eat, behind them men are taking care of make-up, while in front others are busily moving equipment. Furniture and open boxes add to the business of the scene. Small blocks of text hovering nearby identify each individual.<br /><br />
This is the center panel of a triptych (with 1969/2.146 and 1969/2.148).<br /><br />
Inscriptions: Nishimuraya Yohachi (Publisher's seal); Kunisada ga (Artist's signature)
Utagawa Kunisada (Japanese (culture or style))
Backstage Celebrations of a Full-house Hit at the Ichimura Theater
Museum purchase for the Paul Leroy Grigaut Memorial Collection
This image shows men and women moving around an interior space. At the front, a group of men carries a tray of bowls, while another near the center carries a rolled up mat. At the back of the image, a man is visible through a gap in the wall doing his makeup. A red mat is visible at the far right of the image.<br /><br />
This is the left panel of a triptych (with 1969/2.146 and 1969/2.147).<br /><br />
Inscriptions: Nishimuraya Yohachi (Publisher's seal); Kunisada ga (Artist's signature); Kiwame + Tsuruya Kinsuke (Censors' seals)<br />
Utagawa Kunisada (Japanese (culture or style))
Backstage Celebrations of a Full-house Hit at the Ichimura Theater
Museum purchase for the Paul Leroy Grigaut Memorial Collection

Manuel Álvarez Bravo
First Act
Gift of Frederick J. Myerson
This image shows several men and women engaged in activitties in three different rooms.  At the bottom of the image, two men try to feed a young child.  To the left, a man beckons from his seat on a red mat that extends out of the image.  Piles of clothes and full cabinets add to the clutter of the scene.  Small lines of text hover near each person, identifying him.<br /><br />
This is the right panel of a tryptich (with 1969/2.144 and 1969/2.145).<br /><br />
Inscriptions: Nishimuraya Yohachi (Publisher's seal); Kunisada ga (Artist's signature)<br />
Utagawa Kunisada (Japanese (culture or style))
Backstage Celebrations of a Full-house Hit at the Nakamura Theater
1811 – 1814
Museum purchase for the Paul Leroy Grigaut Memorial Collection