269 UMMA Objects
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There are two cherry branches point downward. They start at the top and end in the middle of the painting. Twigs jut out from the branches and hold leaves with a reddish tint. There is a signature and seal in the bottom right of the painting.
Nishiyama Kan'ei
Cherry Branches
1850 – 1899
Museum purchase made possible by the Margaret Watson Parker Art Collection Fund
There is a single pheasant standing in the middle of the painting with its head turned around to peck at its feathers. There are a mixture of red, blue, green, and black feathers on the pheasant. Behind the pheasant is a plant growing from the ground. On the ground surrounding the pheasant and plant is grass. There are two seals, one on the left side of the painting and the other on the right side of the painting.
Nishiyama Kan'ei
1850 – 1899
Museum Purchase made possible by the Friends of the Museum of Art
There is a single camellia branch that points upward. It starts from the bottom of the painting and ends at the top. There are many twigs that jut branch out from the main branch that have leaves and flowers growing from them. There is a single bird sitting on the branch. There is a seal in the bottom right corner of the painting.
Nishiyama Kan'ei
Bird on Camellia Branch
1850 – 1899
Museum purchase made possible by the Margaret Watson Parker Art Collection Fund
There is a single camellia branch that points upward. It starts from the bottom of the painting and ends at the top. There are many twigs that jut branch out from the main branch that have leaves and flowers growing from them; the leaves have a presence in the painting because of their size and their detail. There is a single bird sitting on the branch. There is a seal and signature in the bottom left corner of the painting.
Nishiyama Kan'ei
Birds on Camellia Branch
1850 – 1899
Museum purchase made possible by the Margaret Watson Parker Art Collection Fund
A drawing of tower and wall. Trees are enclosed within the walls. <br /><br />
Eva Caston 2017
Warren Lombard (American (North American))
'Rothenburg Sketches' V. Straf Thurm. Rothenburg Ob der Tauber.
Gift of Prof. and Mrs. Alfred H. White
The circular, smaller white porcelain plate has a design of gourds, flowers, vines and leaves around the rim. The gourds are outlined with blue underglaze and colored with yellow overglaze. Blue underglaze and transparent green overglaze are used for the leaves. The flowers and vines are drawn with red. The red enamel is worn off from some of the tendrils, a characteristic of 18th century Nabeshima. The reverse side has four clustered jewel or treasure motifs with four bows and streamers repeated three times. On the shallow foot, bold lines are drawn in a row like a comb. The design on the back is all drawn with blue underglaze. (Referencce: Becker, Sister Johanna. “A Group of Nabeshima Porcelain.")
Artist Unknown, Nabeshima ware, Japan
Plate with gourd and vine design (one of five with 1964/1.100 and 102-104)
1700 – 1732
Museum purchase made possible by the Margaret Watson Parker Art Collection Fund
Autumn flowers are painted in colored lacquer on plates of gold leaf. The quiet, natural plant motifs stand out against the glittering square of gold.
Shibata Zeshin
Plate with Floral Design, one of five
1879 – 1890
Museum purchase made possible by the Margaret Watson Parker Art Collection Fund
Autumn flowers are painted in colored lacquer on plates of gold leaf. The quiet, natural plant motifs stand out against the glittering square of gold.
Shibata Zeshin
Plate with Floral Design, one of five
1879 – 1890
Museum purchase made possible by the Margaret Watson Parker Art Collection Fund
A still life featuring a patch of gentian flowers.
Warren Lombard (American (North American))
Gift of Prof. and Mrs. Alfred H. White
Study of leafy plant with small blossom at top of plant. <br /><br />
Eva Caston 2017
Warren Lombard (American (North American))
Gift of Prof. and Mrs. Alfred H. White
Brass ring decorated with a peanut or groundnut, possibly from the lost wax cast method. 
1895 – 1905
Gift of Dr. and Mrs. Milford Golden
This photograph is of a temperate forest at the beginning of springtime.  A small blooming tree occupies the center of the frame.
Eliot Porter (American (North American))
Shad Tree in Bloom, Great Smoky Mountains, 14 April 1968
Gift of Clayton E. Wilhite