2 UMMA Objects
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This photograph depicts a view of a courtyard inside the walls of an ornate, palatial building. The figures of two men stand around a well-head, while a third man in uniform watches from a distance.
Carlo Ponti (Italian (culture or style))
Corte del Palazzo Ducale (Veduta generale)
1855 – 1870
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B. Becker
This photograph depicts a view of a palatial structure with long colonnaded arcades at its base.  In the piazza in the foreground two men stand in conversation next to a tall column with a statue of a lion on top.
Carlo Ponti (Italian (culture or style))
Palazzo dei Dogi o ducale; veduta generale
1860 – 1870
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. W. Howard Bond