11 UMMA Objects
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Axe with wooden handle. The bottom of the handle is cylindrical with a small disc-shaped grip at the end, while the upper portion of the handle is composed of two figures on top of one another. They face opposing directions; the lower figure appears to be holding a knife while the other figure may be holding a musical instrument to its mouth. 
Yoruba (Yoruba (culture or style))
Ceremonial Axe
20th century
Gift of Susan B. and John F. Ullrich
Staff with a short cylindrical handle topped by two rectangular forms. The front of the staff contains two faces on the rectangular forms, while the back of the staff contains only one face. The bottom face is rectangular with three vertical marks on each cheek and zig-zag patterns along the forehead, while the upper face is round with three vertical marks on each cheek and five vertical marks on the forehead. Along the handle and rectangular projections there are incised zig-zag decorations. 
Yoruba (Yoruba (culture or style))
Dance Staff
1950 – 1999
Gift and partial purchase from the estate of Kurt Delbanco in honor of Nicholas Delbanco
This Hemba <em>adze</em>, or chief’s ceremonial ax, is decorated with an elegantly carved female head upon the end of its smooth handle while an iron blade has been lodged into its oval base. This <em>adze</em> exhibits the characteristic hallmarks of a Southern Hemba style, which in turn was strongly influenced by the neighboring Luba. The head bears an elongated, oviod-shaped face, a wide convex forehead, coffeebean-shaped eyes within ocular recesses, a triangular nose, and full lips. An elaborate pulled-back hairstyle in the form of a chignon (<em>kibanda</em>), features a cruciform motif. Four brass tacks that have been inserted into the extreme top, bottom, left and right points of the face echo this crucifix shape.
Hemba (Hemba (culture or style))
Prestige Adze
1875 – 1885
Gift of Candis and Helmut Stern

Bamana (Bamana)
Prestige Axe
20th century
Gift of Susan B. and John F. Ullrich
Staff with a cylindrical handle and a kneeling female figure on a small, disc-shaped base. The figure is holding her breasts in both hands and her hair is decorated with vertical grooves. The top of the figure&#39;s head is surmounted by a double-axe shaped form, decorated with six incised lozenges. At the top of the double-axe form are two rectangular protrusions and at the bottom are two protrusions that may represent lightning bolts.&nbsp;
Yoruba (Yoruba (culture or style))
Dance Staff
1950 – 1999
Gift and partial purchase from the estate of Kurt Delbanco in honor of Nicholas Delbanco
Carved ax handle is comprised of a kneeling male figure with rounded knob on top of his head, into which the narrow end of a triangular iron ax blade is embedded.
Yoruba (Yoruba (culture or style))
Ax for Ogun
1925 – 1975
Gift of Bert N. LaDu, Jr.
Staff with a cylindrical handle, decorated with zig-zag patterns, and a disc-shaped grip at the bottom. The top of the staff has two identical faces on both sides, surmounted by a double axe shaped form. 
Yoruba (Yoruba (culture or style))
Dance Staff
1901 – 1999
Gift of Margaret H. and Albert J. Coudron

Dogon (Dogon (culture or style))
Prestige Axe
20th century
Gift of Susan B. and John F. Ullrich

Prestige Axe
20th century
Gift of Susan B. and John F. Ullrich
Wooden staff with a short handle on a small, conical base. There are four oval-shaped protrusions with a pattern of small triangles surmounted by two heads facing opposite directions. Between each head is an oval-shaped panel decorated with a pattern of small triangles. At the top of the staff is a double-axe motif. 
Yoruba (Yoruba (culture or style))
Dance Staff
1930 – 1980
Gift of Margaret H. and Albert J. Coudron
A staff with a short cylindrical handle surmounted by a female figure. The figure wears a skirt decorated with concentric circles and holds a bowl with both hands. Around the neck is string of beads and the hairstyle is conical, topped by a double axe. 
Yoruba (Yoruba (culture or style))
Dance Staff
20th century
Gift of Dr. James and Vivian Curtis