4 UMMA Objects
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A wide round bowl with an articulated, everted wide rim and a conical lower body on a flat base. It is decorated with wavy linear patterns and black solid dots on the upper half of the exterior, swirling lines with dots on the interior, and cross-hatching on the rim.  
Chinese (Chinese (culture or style))
3100 BCE – 2600 BCE
Gift of Jiu-Hwa Lo Upshur in memory of Mrs. Wei-Djen D. Lo
An earthenware miniature amber-glazed basin on a four legged green-glazed stand that mimics wooden furniture, on an unglazed slab base. 
Chinese (Chinese (culture or style))
Basin on Stand
1368 – 1644
Gift of Jiu-Hwa Lo Upshur
This oval-shaped ceramic vessel features a wide, steep rim surrounding a large well in the center. The scalloped edges of the rim are cut back into a deep semicircle on one side. The rim is painted in underglaze blue and yellow with plant and floral motifs that are arranged in a whimsical, asymmetrical fashion around the edge. The well is decorated with similar vegetal motifs and two vaguely stork-like birds with long legs that confront one another on a strip of turf.
French (French (culture or style))
Barber's basin with birds and vegetal ornament
1745 – 1755
The Paul Leroy Grigaut Memorial Collection
A wide round bowl with an articulated, everted wide rim and a conical lower body on a flat base. It is decorated with wavy linear patterns on the upper half of the exterior, and swirling lines with dots and networks of cross-hatching on the interior. Cross-hatching, curved lines and dots are on the rim.  
Chinese (Chinese (culture or style))
3100 BCE – 2600 BCE
Gift of Ping and Zenobia Lee