3 UMMA Objects
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Image with a green background. Six figures shown interacting with one another. Between each of the figures are arrows and knives. The far outer figures seem to be shooting at the interior two with bows and arrows. In the center, one figure is simultaneously feeding the other and also stabbing him with a sword. The figure being stabbbed has purple skin.
Indian (Indian (South Asian))
18th century
Gift of Professor Walter M. and Nesta R. Spink
A yellow, many-armed figure stands with each foot on two four-legged creatures. Between them, a blue figure kneels looking up at the yellow figure. All are on a red field bordered with yellow.
Indian (Indian (South Asian))
Goddess Kali
1900 – 1950
Gift of Professor Walter M. and Nesta R. Spink
Painting with colors of red, green, yellow, blue, gray, and gold accents. The main figure takes up most of the painting. The figure has ten arms (five on each side), two feet, one attached head of an elephant, and four elephant heads surrounding them. There are two other smaller figures in the corner. One figure has blue skin, the other has four heads.
Indian (Indian (South Asian))
Gift of Professor Walter M. and Nesta R. Spink