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Two women clad in flowing robes sit beneath a curved colonnade at the center of this delicately painted scene. The woman on the left, wearing a blue mantle, holds a lyre in her right hand and leans toward her companion, who holds open a musical score on her lap to which she points with her right hand. Books are piled on the steps next to the woman on the left and a putto sits next to her with a scroll unrolled across his lap. A second putto stands next to the other seated woman and plays a viol. A winged putto hovers over the heads of the two women, holding a small trumpet in his left hand and a laurel crown in his right, which he is about to place on the head of the woman with the lyre. Two bust-length portraits of men in oval frames wreathed with laurel hang from the columns in the background.
Charles Joseph Natoire
L'Alliance de la Poésie et de la Musique (The Alliance of Poetry and Music)
1741 – 1751
Museum purchase made possible by the George Green Fund