Search could not be completed: Search error: [400] {"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"query_shard_exception","reason":"Failed to parse query [(\"circa \"1290\") AND resource_type:1 AND (access:1)]","index_uuid":"fAYnSYs9QNCor1yFcuGsQA","index":"resources"}],"type":"search_phase_execution_exception","reason":"all shards failed","phase":"query","grouped":true,"failed_shards":[{"shard":0,"index":"resources","node":"W-9cdKH6TLWivxyCUZmPIQ","reason":{"type":"query_shard_exception","reason":"Failed to parse query [(\"circa \"1290\") AND resource_type:1 AND (access:1)]","index_uuid":"fAYnSYs9QNCor1yFcuGsQA","index":"resources","caused_by":{"type":"parse_exception","reason":"Cannot parse '(\"circa \"1290\") AND resource_type:1 AND (access:1)': Lexical error at line 1, column 52. Encountered: <EOF> after : \"\\\") AND resource_type:1 AND (access:1)\"","caused_by":{"type":"token_mgr_error","reason":"Lexical error at line 1, column 52. Encountered: <EOF> after : \"\\\") AND resource_type:1 AND (access:1)\""}}}}]},"status":400}date_created:"circa 1290"

131 UMMA Objects
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A photograph of a real estate sign in French. The sign stands in front of a fenced in rural field. A forest is visible in the background.
Henri Cartier-Bresson (French (culture or style))
Real estate sign in rural Algeria
1950 – 1970
Gift of Zoe and Yuri Gurevich in honor of Hava Gurevich
A photograph of four people standing in a rocky field and a building stands behind them in the upper right background. From left to right stands a young boy in a coat, a man in dark clothing, a woman in a white shirt and skirt, and a young girl.
Henri Cartier-Bresson (French (culture or style))
Family in field, Algeria
1950 – 1970
Gift of Zoe and Yuri Gurevich in honor of Hava Gurevich
Mountain landscape.
Ilse Bing (American (North American))
Mer de glaces
Gift of Zoe and Yuri Gurevich in honor of Hava Gurevich
View of a woman rock-climbing.
Ilse Bing (American (North American))
Mer de glaces (Genevieve)
Gift of Zoe and Yuri Gurevich in honor of Hava Gurevich
View of a residential neighborhood. Three houses, the street, and an electrical/telephone pole are visible.
Michael A. Smith (American (North American))
New Orleans, 1985 (N8504-36/66)
Gift of Zoe and Yuri Gurevich in honor of Hava Gurevich
Image of several men standing and sitting on the edge of a large boat. Those standing hold long poles, guiding them into the water. In the background, a group of men and women stand on another boat watching.
Leonard Freed (American (North American))
Tuna fishing with tourist in background, Egandi Islands, Sicily, Italy, 1975
Gift of Zoe and Yuri Gurevich
Three girls look through a dark-framed window. Two look directly at the camera, while the third looks off to the right. The middle girls holds her hand up to her face, obscuring her mouth.
Ken Heyman
Fall '59 - little girls looking out of the window in Harlem
Gift of Zoe and Yuri Gurevich
Image of a man in striped suitcoat standing at the edge of a street. A street sign at his right reads &quot;One Way.&quot;
Ken Heyman
Newark Essay (one-way signs on street filled with people)
Gift of Zoe and Yuri Gurevich
Two women walk along a cobble stoned road. One wears a straw hat and daisy patterned shirt. Ther other wears a dress with roses on a dark background. She pushes a baby wearing light clothes and hat in a light-colored stroller.
Ken Heyman
1963, Moscow (Two women walking with baby in stroller)
Gift of Zoe and Yuri Gurevich
Image of two older couples sitting on separate benches. The left man and woman hold cigarettes and kiss; the right woman looks off to the left while her partner sleeps. Four dark-haired young men stand behind them.&nbsp;
Ken Heyman
1967, Germany, Kissing Couples (Elderly couple kissing on park bench)
Gift of Zoe and Yuri Gurevich
Image of a boy standing in the doorway of a house with peeling, painted wood siding. He looks directly at the camera holding a pair of crutches.
Ken Heyman
Boy holding crutches, Newark
Gift of Zoe and Yuri Gurevich
Image of a man sitting outside with a hat full of paper currency in his lap. He looks up to his right and holds a cigarette in his left hand.
Ken Heyman
Man with hat full of money, Brazil 1961
Gift of Zoe and Yuri Gurevich