Search could not be completed: Search error: [400] {"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"query_shard_exception","reason":"Failed to parse query [(\"early \"1920s\") AND resource_type:1 AND (access:1)]","index_uuid":"fAYnSYs9QNCor1yFcuGsQA","index":"resources"}],"type":"search_phase_execution_exception","reason":"all shards failed","phase":"query","grouped":true,"failed_shards":[{"shard":0,"index":"resources","node":"W-9cdKH6TLWivxyCUZmPIQ","reason":{"type":"query_shard_exception","reason":"Failed to parse query [(\"early \"1920s\") AND resource_type:1 AND (access:1)]","index_uuid":"fAYnSYs9QNCor1yFcuGsQA","index":"resources","caused_by":{"type":"parse_exception","reason":"Cannot parse '(\"early \"1920s\") AND resource_type:1 AND (access:1)': Lexical error at line 1, column 53. Encountered: <EOF> after : \"\\\") AND resource_type:1 AND (access:1)\"","caused_by":{"type":"token_mgr_error","reason":"Lexical error at line 1, column 53. Encountered: <EOF> after : \"\\\") AND resource_type:1 AND (access:1)\""}}}}]},"status":400}date_created:"early 1920s"

1 UMMA Object
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This large painting of a scholar and two roosters. The scholar sits with books piled behind him, while the roosters below crane their necks to look back at him. The calligraphy on the top right reads:<br />
Would Your Excellency, my dear friend Xiaoting, kindly point out the inadequacies of this work? Ren Yi [a.k.a.] Bonian<br />
There are also two seals of the artist and one collectors seal.
Ren Yi
Scholar with Roosters
1860 – 1896
Gift of Dr. and Mrs. Paul Wang in memory of Professor Wang Shang-yi