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5 UMMA Objects
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This sheet contains studies of fourteen figures in various stages of elaboration. Several of the figures are represented standing while gazing upward, including a man with an outstretched arm on the left edge of the sheet, a woman standing before a column near the center, and a man with a cross over his shoulder in the upper right corner. Two summarily sketched seated figures in the lower left corner appear to develop ideas for a similar figure placed at the foot of a column in a more detailed study near the middle of the sheet. In the upper left quadrant of the sheet appears a monk kneeling beneath a tree with a figure holding a staff standing behind him. Marked off by an octagonal frame along the lower edge is a seated female figure pointing upward with her right hand and holding a globe in her left.
Pietro Testa
Sheet of Figure Studies
1635 – 1640
Gift from the Joseph F. McCrindle Collection
This small sketch presents a view along a waterway that passes beneath a double-arched bridge. The triangular sail of a small boat is visible just before the bridge, moored to the quai next to some sheds. A tall church with a central steeple rises on the right bank in the foreground, and two other tall buildings punctuate the middle ground and distance. The chimneys and rooflines of humbler dwellings appear on the left bank. Despite the urban setting, only a few figures may be glimpsed, including a man crossing the bridge on horseback.
Jan Josephsz van Goyen
View of a River Town with a Bridge
17th century
Gift from the Joseph F. McCrindle Collection
A muscular young male nude, seen in profile from the left, sits on a rock in a vaguely suggested outdoor setting.
Ubaldo Gandolfi
Study of a Seated Male Nude
18th century
Gift from the Joseph F. McCrindle Collection in memory of Frederick A. den Broeder
A nude, muscular man, seen from behind, leans upon his left leg, which is propped on a rock. He grasps a stick for support with his left hand, while bending his torso to the right and looking downward.  The lighting and colors vaguely suggest an outdoor environment.<br />
Ubaldo Gandolfi;Gaetano Gandolfi (Italian (culture or style))
Study of a Standing Male Nude
1760 – 1780
Gift from the Joseph F. McCrindle Collection in memory of Frederick A. den Broeder

Francesco Solimena
Death of Messalina
1600 – 1799
Gift from the Joseph F. McCrindle Collection