4 UMMA Objects
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Woman recling against a cloth covered seat. Two small children play on either side of her.
Gilles Demarteau (Flemish (culture or style))
Reclining Venus and Putti, from the collection of Madame d'Azincourt
18th century
Gift of Professor Walter M. and Nesta R. Spink

Gilles Demarteau (Flemish (culture or style))
Allegory Presented to M and Mme Cuisy on Their Wedding Anniversary, July 30, 176
1722 – 1776
The Paul Leroy Grigaut Memorial Collection
This crayon-manner engraving printed in sanguine depicts a grouping of figures arranged in a celestial space and positioned against clouds. A large female figure draped in cloth dominates the upper portion of the composition. She holds a set of scales in her left hand. Two female figures, one clothed, one nude, gather below at this figure’s sandaled feet in the center left of the composition. The clothed figure holds a palette and paintbrushes while the nude figure holds a mallet and a sculpted portrait of a man’s face. At the bottom right three male figures, one of whom wrestles a snake, appear to be attacking the female figure holding the palette. A clothed figure donning a helmet protects the figure holding the scales in the upper right.
Gilles Demarteau (Flemish (culture or style))
La justice protégé les arts
1763 – 1767
Gift of Professor Walter M. and Nesta R. Spink

Gilles Demarteau (Flemish (culture or style))
Oiseau captif
1722 – 1776
Gift of Carl Fredric Clarke