3 UMMA Objects
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Black dochugi raincoat with michiyuki style neckline and buttons down the front.
Japanese (Japanese (culture or style))
Black silk Dochugi kimono raincoat
1960 – 1970
Gift of Howard and Patricia Yamaguchi
This dochugi raincoat is made from black silk with flower patterns.  The oval-shaped neckline is made from two arched lines that come together in a slight point on the right side, and has buttons down the front.
Japanese (Japanese (culture or style))
Black satin Dochugi damask raincoat
1950 – 1970
Gift of Howard and Patricia Yamaguchi
This work portrays a dynamic, umbrella-studded view of the University of Michigan Diag, based on sketches Saitô made during his trip to Ann Arbor in the fifties.
Saitō Kiyoshi (Japanese (culture or style))
Rain (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
Gift of the artist