Crocheted Motorcycle

Art In Your Inbox Collaboration with the Prison Creative Arts Project (PCAP)

Artist statement: 
“At this point in my life, my artwork gives me something I can be proud of. I have developed a bit of a reputation as, 'The Crochet Lady.' I intend to challenge myself each year to live up to that reputation. I also paint and with each painting, I grow. I create something new and different. There is not much that I can say I am proud of in my life outside of what I have accomplished with both performance and material art. I have accomplished so much and have grown in many ways through art. Not only am I proud of myself, I know others are proud of me as well, and that adds so much meaning to my life. Without art, I would be lost.” – Samantha Bachyski

Samantha Bachynski is a long-time participant in PCAP’s Annual Exhibition of Art by Michigan Prisoners. In addition to crocheting, Bachynski spent much time researching each of the motorcycle’s constitutive parts to better her work, using books and magazines to learn about the bike’s structure. In order to assemble this large piece, she crocheted each part of the motorcycle separately and then sewed the pieces together.

Reflection Prompts:

Crochet is often thought of as women’s work and motorcycles as a more masculine hobby. How does artist Samantha Bachynski challenge our expectations, bringing together the masculine and the feminine in her crocheted motorcycle?
How might you use research at home to improve your creative practice?


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July 24, 2020 3:05 p.m.


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