5 UMMA Objects
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A young boy sits sideways on a chair and looks at the viewer. The chair faces the viewer; the boy sits facing to the right, his left leg crossed over the right. He his left hand is on the back of the chair, and his right hand holds his left foot. He has thick waving hair and is dressed in a short black velvet coat and striped pants. Behind him is a curtain and on the floor at lower right is a dark straw hat.
James Abbott McNeill Whistler (American (North American))
Arthur Haden
Bequest of Margaret Watson Parker
Two men smoking long-stem pipes are seen sitting on a balcony. Behind them are visible the masts of ships along the bank, and further behind them in the distance a river sweeps towards the left. Buildings crowd the shore and boats are shown moored or in the river.
James Abbott McNeill Whistler (American (North American))
Rotherhithe, one of the "Sixteen Etchings," or the "Thames Set"
Bequest of Margaret Watson Parker
Within a dark interior, a man in a hat and wearing an apron stands at the left side of the image, facing a furnace. He holds the long handle of a tool into the furnace, holding his left hand on his hip. Behind him, to the right, are two youthful assistants wearing dark broad-brimmed hats, one leaning on an anvil. Further to the right are a seated woman and small child and at the far right is a man in a hat going down a flight of stairs. A second woman is visible in the background between the smith and the furnace, she is looking at the smith with hands raised. The interior shows evidence of the smith's work with tools hanging on the wall and a shovel next to one of the assistants.
James Abbott McNeill Whistler (American (North American))
The Forge, One of the 'Sixteen Etchings,' or the 'Thames Set'
Bequest of Margaret Watson Parker
A woman, leaning back in a curved armchair, sits at an angle to the viewer. Her face is presented in nearly strict profile, looking to the right; her long, waving hair cascades around her, framing her face. Her right arm is in her lap and her skirt is only lightly sketched in. At the lower left corner, another sketch of a woman's head (seen upside down) is visible.
James Abbott McNeill Whistler (American (North American))
Bequest of Margaret Watson Parker
A man stands within a wooden building, postioned half-way down a deep vista that goes all the way through the building. At the far end of the passageway, a seated figure faces out looking at water and buildings on the opposite shore. The standing man's figure is illuminated by a bright (unseen) overhead light source, such as a skylight, and pairs of ladders are visible on either side of his figure. The foreground of the image consists of dark timbers that frame the view of the passageway and figures; beyond the man, the wooden architecture becomes a jumble of different sloped ceilings and walls, suggesting that this part of the building was constructed at different times or ad hoc.
James Abbott McNeill Whistler (American (North American))
W. Jones, Lime-burner, Thames Street, one of the "Sixteen Etchings," or the "Thames Set"
Museum purchase made possible by the Alfred E. Pernt Memorial Fund, in honor of Dr. of Technical Sciences Max H.J. Pernt and his wife Anna Pernt (née Mueller)