7 UMMA Objects
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In this idyllic scene, the goddess Parvati offers her husband Shiva a drink, as they enjoy a quiet moment together. Their children, the elephant-headed Ganesha and Skanda, play inside a tent made from the hide of an elephant demon that Shiva had slain. Both parents are clothed in animal skins, the garb of mountain-dwelling ascetics, while Shiva is further adorned with a long necklace of skulls and a snake.
Artist Unknown, India, Punjab Hills, Kangra School
Shiva and his family
1790 – 1800
Gift of Dr. Walter R. Parker
Lady Eleanor Dundas is shown half length, seated in front of a brown background.  She looks towards the light source to the right of the painting.  She is dressed in a diaphanous black dress with an Empire cut and black veil.  A sheer lace collar frames her throat.  She has heavy lidded eyes and an alert or slightly mournful expression
Henry Raeburn
Lady Eleanor Dundas
1790 – 1800
Bequest of Margaret Watson Parker
Starting at the top of the painting, there are mountains, some parts hidden behind mist. Going further down, there are many trees that lead to the edge of a river. Over one part of the river id a bridge. In the upper right corner of the painting, there is an inscription and two seals. The painting has a gold border.
Aoki Shukuya (Japanese (culture or style))
1760 – 1802
Gift of Mr. Harry Packard
A preparatory drawing squared for transfer depicting nude and classically draped figures in various poses in an outdoor setting before an altar.
French (French (culture or style))
Death of Priam
1790 – 1800
Gift of Professor Walter M. and Nesta R. Spink
A red crayon drawing of a man contemplating antique ruins.
Hubert Robert (French (culture or style))
Scene with Antique Ruins
1754 – 1808
Gift of Professor Walter M. and Nesta R. Spink

American (American (North American))
1790 – 1800
Gift of Colonel and Mrs. Thomas M. Spaulding

Utagawa Toyokuni I (Japanese (culture or style))
The Kabuki Actor Onoe Eizaburô, Offstage
1790 – 1800
Gift of Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Levey in memory of Milton Levey